I Am a Tool

To Help With Your Dating Life
Special Price $20.61 Regular Price $22.90
  • ISBN :9781573340953
  • Format :Paperback
  • Pricing Attribute :Normal
  • Publisher :New Life Resources (USA)
  • Author :Shelby Abbott

Description :An insightful, humorous, and useful book to help both men and women who love Jesus to drop-kick the common "business as usual" practices of relationship and dating.

It is a biblical call to something greater and healthier in our dating lives, while simultaneously a challenge for us to seek connections with others in the context of service, communication, friendship, and patience.

Whether your questions or struggles have to do with sex, singleness, breakups, or what social media has to do with any of it, I Am a Tool will meet you where you're at and help you move forward in a direction that honors Jesus.




"Fantastic! So much of the advice I wish I had in college. And, worded more concisely than I tend to scrape together when I'm sitting with a freshman over coffee, or whatever other situation I end up chatting about dating in. (I also work in ministry with college students.) Great resource for mentors, and to hand out to a mentee alike!"

"I very much enjoyed that Shelby addressed a wide range of topics one might run into, in the world of Christian dating. He takes the time to discuss topics such as how social media can affect one's dating relationship, the importance of being a friend to someone you're dating, having a heart to serve them and highlighting singleness, among other things. I value his honesty in sharing not only the successes he saw in dating relationships before getting married but also the short comings. Through this all, it's evident he wants to point all of us who are believers to be different in how we treat the opposite sex and seek to glorify God compared to a culture that tells us it's okay to be selfish, lazy or even manipulative. The book is about 179 pages and a very quick, but insightful read."