社会的垃圾 Trash of Society, Simplified Chinese

Special Price $19.62 Regular Price $21.80
  • ISBN :9789811481444
  • Format :Paperback
  • Pricing Attribute :Normal
  • Publisher :Jason Wong
  • Author :Jason Wong

Description :

我 未 成 形 的 体 质 , 你 的 眼 早 已 看 见 了 ; 你 所 定 的 日 子 , 我 尚 未 度 一 日 , 你 都 写 在 你 的 册 上 了 。 (诗篇 139:16

一个害羞,胆小的男孩如何成长成为一名平凡的男人,随后活出一个“不平凡的生命” 并影响了成千上万的生命。

邀请您一起来发现一趟不可能变成可能的旅程; 软弱者如何变得刚强,生命的囚禁如何 变成了生命的队长; 曾经囚禁人的监狱如何成为释放囚犯的监狱; 那些所谓“社会垃圾” 的囚犯如何成为一个能够贡献国家的公民。

如果有时候您觉得自己一无是处,觉得您的生活没有意义和目的,那么这本书特别适合您。 当您看到本书的结尾时,您会发现您对自己和周围的世界有着很不一样的视角。 释放自 己重获自由,成为上帝命定您要成为的人。

How does a shy timid boy become an ordinary man leading a not-so-ordinary life that has impacted thousands? Discover how the impossible becomes possible; the weak becomes strong; the captors of lives become captains of lives; how prisons, which used to keep people locked up, become prisons that set captives free; and prisoners who were “trash of society” become contributing citizens of a nation.

If there are times when you feel you are a worthless nobody unable to live a meaningful and purposeful life, this book is especially for you. By the end of this book, you will see yourself and the world around you very differently. Be set free to be all God intended for you to be.

About the Author:

Jason Wong 黄醒勇 黄醒勇在新加坡是公认为两个全国性运动的发起人,即是 2004 年的黄 丝带计划(The Yellow Ribbon Project) 和 2009 年的终生为父运动 (The Dads for Life Movement) 。他在公共机构服务了 24 年,其中帮助过囚犯,受虐 儿童及边缘青少年。他同时也参与预防教育工作,特别是倡导父职 (Fathering)。他目前义务参与新加坡爱家机构(Focus on the family)并 担任该机构董事会主席。

JASON WONG is known in Singapore as the founder of two national movements, the Yellow Ribbon Project in 2004 and the Dads for Life movement in 2009. He spent 24 years in the public service helping prisoners, abused children and youths at risk. He is also involved in upstream preventive work championing fathering. He currently volunteers with Focus on the Family (Singapore) as its Board Chairman.

Also available in English.