Eternity Illustration - The Source Of Love (min 10)

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  • ISBN :7770200005602
  • Format :Card
  • Pricing Attribute :Normal
  • Publisher :Miscellaneous

Description :源由故事】 福音電影「源來是愛」,劇中有講到一個「永生摺紙」遊戲,按照摺紙說明,將摺出的紙樣加以剪、拼,就可以引出「死亡」和「永生」的屬靈意義,而英文可得「Hell」和「Light」來! 《永生摺紙》的真實故事: 有一個人廣交基督徒朋友,目的卻是要將他們交於官辦。一晚,他在夢中被指示將摺好了的基督徒名單剪成三段。他醒過來後就照著做,卻在打開第一段時,發現竟然是個十字架,他直覺地聯想到耶穌,於是警覺地將它擱在一邊。第二和第三段的摺中有摺,他好奇地拼湊,眼前竟出現了「死亡」兩字,明顯指出如果自己拒絕耶穌的十字架(將它棄置一旁),擺在眼前的就是死亡。 他感到懊惱,於是將十字架擺正,然後嘗試將那些碎紙就近十字架來擺放,竟然拼出「永生」! 各位,你知道拒絕耶穌的救恩(十字架),結局是「死亡」,永遠與上帝隔絕,即是永在「地獄」(Hell)裡。擺回「十」字,卻可以活在光明中(Light)!光喻表上帝和耶穌,也用在跟隨祂的人身上,你願意跟祂行在光明中嗎?相信耶穌,永遠行在光明之中,不受黑暗侵擾… A Chinese man befriended Christians, intending to betray them. He had a list of names. One night, he had a dream. He was instructed to cut up the paper with the names, into three pieces. The first piece of paper unfolded into the shape of a cross. In his mind, that represented Jesus. He set it aside. When he unfolded the next two sections, there were actually many pieces of paper, due to the folds. He began arranging the pieces of paper. Almost immediately, he formed the Chinese character meaning “Death”. The message was very clear. If he rejected the cross of Jesus Christ (by setting it aside), he was left with death. This made the man very unsettled. He then set the cross on the table, right in front of him. Next, he began to place the other scraps of paper together with it. This time, he formed the Chinese characters meaning “Eternal Life”. If he rejected the cross, he would face death. Having been around Christians so much, he knew death meant not only dying, but also being separated from God forever – what his Christian friend called hell. If he accepted the cross of Jesus, he would have eternal life. Those same scraps of paper also formed English words with the same meaning. Without the cross, they formed the English word “Light”. Light in the Bible is used to represent Jesus Christ and God. It is often used to represent those who are following Jesus, those who are living in the light. Likewise, those who don’t follow Jesus are cut off from His light and living in darkness.