Partner Us

  • ISBN :D10-3-50
  • Pricing Attribute :NETT

Description :

Cru Media Ministry, formed in 1975, is the book, gift, distributor and publishing arm of Cru Singapore, a non-profit charity. We seek to equip, provide resources and assist churches and mission organisations around the region to help fulfil the Great Commission. 

As a dedicated Christian bookstore and publisher, we also develop and publish tracts, booklets and books for the purpose of winning people to Christ, building them up in their faith and challenging them to be involved in evangelism, discipleship, and missions.

You may adjust your desired gift amount in the quantity field as appropriate. Eg for $200 gift, you can input quantity of 4 (ie 4x$50 = $200). 

Thank you for your partnership to help us accomplish our mission of winning souls & saving minds and making disciples everywhere.  

ps: For more information on donations, go to

Cru Media Ministry成立于1975年,是非营利慈善机构Cru Singapore的书籍、礼品、分销商和出版部门。我们旨在装备、提供资源并协助教会和宣教组织完成大使命。


您可以在填写数量的字段中酌情调整您想奉献的金额。例如,$200的奉献,您可以输入4个数量(即4x$50= $200)。
