Winning Souls, Saving Minds 

…that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 

Colossians 2:2-3

Broader, careful and deeper reading enlarges the canvas upon which the Holy Spirit can render God's Word

Cru Singapore Media Ministry’s vision for a ‘Biblio-Ministry’ is the nurturing of the Church and the communities it serves through the discipline of reading more broadly, carefully, and deeply. As "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" are found in Christ (Col. 2:3), the Word of God is the foundational, infallible, authority on the spiritual growth of a believer. It, therefore, provides the anchor and frame to all our reading.

Christ is essential to all discernment because He is the standard of all truth and the remedy to all error (Col. 2:3). Christ must be at the center of our lives if we will ever read with discernment... Christian book reading is never a solitary experience, but an open invitation to commune with God. By opening a book we can stop talking and we begin listening... Tony Reinke, Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books

Christian books and literature provide contemporary cultural, social and vocational context that informs the believer in the application of the Word in their God-given roles. Through the guidance and ministry of the Holy Spirit from our reading and study of Scripture, we are able to discern what is good, honourable, and true, and what is not, from our broader reading diet.

Reading carefully and attentively is an essential part of a journey into knowledge that is rooted in love... C. Christopher Smith, Reading for the Common Good

We seek to inspire and encourage Biblio-Shepherds – men and women with a passion for the power of reading and literacy to inform, transform and empower lives... Reading advocates for the strengthening of the Church to the glory of God.

Reading by Design - 7 Principles

Eternity in our heart – Reading taps into our inherent, created heritage (Ecc. 3:11/Rom. 2:15)

Epiphany of truth – literature promotes mans' search for truth and beauty

Empathy and the heart of Christ – Vicarious identification with others (Phil. 2:5-8)

Enlighted communion – Perceiving truth in communion with the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 4:4)

Engaged in community – Shared lives, learning and loving through reading

Efficacy of stillness – enhanced, contemplative reflection (Ps 46:10)

Enhanced imagination – increased capacity for meaning and joy

It is a remarkable thing that God made a world so ready for written words and designed human beings to naturally to write and read them. David Mathis, Habits of Grace 


