A recent National Arts Council survey highlighted that fewer than 44% of respondents in Singapore have read a literary book in 2015, and this result has been described as worrying. As a book distributor, MM naturally champions the cause of reading. Reading nourishes both the mind and the spirit – especially when we read the Word of God.

To help believers rekindle the love for reading the Scriptures, we organised the seminar “God’s Word: Well Read, Will Transform” on 12 April 2016. Our speaker Stephen Cave (pictured above), Senior VP of Global Ministry at Biblica, presented a passionate message on the Bible, its divine and human worth, and our response to this reading treasure.

The Bible is a collection of writings over a span of 1500 years by a multiplicity of authors of disparate backgrounds in three different languages and in a variety of literary forms. In its diversity, it maintains a steadfastly consistent and coherent narrative – God’s salvation goal centred on Jesus, and His interaction with man. Based on this understanding, Stephen concluded that If we read the Bible well, we will live life well. He added, “Engaging seriously with the Word of God changes everything.” Indeed, God’s foundational Word does not change, but we are changed by God’s Word.